Jedličkův ústav a školy ilustrace Jedličkův ústav a školy – kvalitní bezbariérová škola, která ucelenou rehabilitací připravuje děti a mládež s tělesným postižením k integraci do života. logo Praha
Jedličkův ústav a Mateřská škola a Základní škola a Střední škola, V Pevnosti 4, 128 41 Praha 2,
tel.: 241 083 233, e-mail:, IČO: 70 87 31 60, Tento web s cookies nepracuje.
ilustraceO nás
ilustraceAktuality z Jedle
ilustraceNaše služby
ilustraceBezbariérové školy JÚŠ
Projekty a pravidelné aktivity
Centrum služeb Vyšehrad
Pronájmy volných prostor
Výběrová řízení a pracovní příležitosti
Podporují nás
110 let Jedličkova ústavu
Objednávání jídel
Mapa stránek

Jedlička Institute and Schools (JÚŠ) for physically disabled young people in Prague

A non-profit organisation operated by Prague City Council

Main office: V Pevnosti 4, Praha 2, 128 41, Czech Republic

Telephone: 261 225 261

IČO: 70873160
DIČ: CZ 70873160

Mgr. Petr Hrubý

Deputy director: 
Mgr. Antonín Herrmann




Briefly about us:

The Jedlička Institute and Schools (JÚŠ) are a specialist educational establishment for children and young people primarily with a physical disability.

They were founded in 1913 and has since that time been based in central Prague at Vyšehrad.
During the past 90 years it has undergone many changes but with a continuing emphasis on education and training for further application in employment even for those young people whose disability is severe.

Since 1991 it has been operated by Prague City Council which provides financial support. The Jedlička Foundation raises funds to cover costs for specific individual needs of physically disabled students. It has also provided significant support for JÚŠ building improvements over the past 10 years.

JÚŠ currently serves 180 students for whom the services listed below are provided.
90 students are accommodated during the week and go home for weekends and holidays.
In the late 1990s, thanks to the UK Crown Foundation, we made contact with Treloar College in Alton, Hampshire. Several projects were undertaken that involved the sharing of experiences between staff and exchange vists for students. Work methods and student needs in both places are very similar.

We can offer training opportunities for students from the UK together with full board onsite.

JÚŠ services:

  • our schools provide elementary and middle-school education, both mainstream and specialist, for children and young people primarily with physical disabilities
  • therapeutic rehabilitation - physiotherapy, occupational therapy (ergo-therapy), hydrotherapy, speech therapy, computer assistance, social skills for the workplace, a flat in which to develop independent domestic skills, a transition programme and employment support
  • mobility consultancy services - support to children with physical disabilities in mainstream schools, assistance with the selection of schools, diagnostics, psychological , therapy
  • short-term stays - respite, diagnostic, consultative
  • extra curricular activities - accommodation in modern dormitories for children and young people, creating and supporting social contacts, hobby groups, sports clubs, alumni club, weekend stays, summer holiday camps, co-operation with schools overseas
We can offer the following accessible accommodation in our Prague dormitories and in recreation facilities in south Bohemia (Buková u Nových Hradů) during the summer holidays, which can also be let to visitors from overseas:
  • "Tapky" youth dormitory, Prague
  • "Topolka" youth dormitory, Prague
  • farmhouse, Buková u Nových Hradů  (South Bohemia)
  • cabin camp, Buková u Nových Hradů  (South Bohemia)

And also we lease out:

  • Pool
  • Gymnasium
  • Theatre hall
  • Lecture rooms 
  • Café club restaurant

Further information about accommodation and lease from - Dana Bukovská
Tel.:  241 083 515


And here you can find the virtual tour through our institute

Photogallery - there are photos from our activities


Service Centre Vysehrad, there are  several organisations – departments  – citizens  - civilian assotiation and foundation, which support and complement services provided by the Jedlicka´s  Institute (JUS).
You can find here:

  • Foundation JUS - support of special needs and interests of children and youth up to the age of 27 years  who are the clients of JUS
  • Borůvka - Transport of disabled persons  with specially adapted buses, Personal assistance,
    Rehabilitation for other clients, Café - TA KAVÁRNA, Charity shop
  • Protebe - projects are focused on integration of disabled youth. It helps to gain experience, develope special interests  and hobbies (chess, tourism, nature protection etc.) and offers the option to the contemporary  way of  life 
  • Assistance - Service of personal assistance and social rehabilitation
  • Creative Workshops - socially therapeutical workshops, socially  motivating services and social rehabilitation 
  • Sport Club - self-realization at sports for disabled, we offer following  sport events: athletics, floorball, boccia, cycling, archery, curling, table tennis, swimming, football, chess, we also hold courses of monoskiing and  brave climbing
  • The Tap Tap - is a music group of students with physical disabilities established in 1998 at Jedličkův ústav

Media coordinator – contact:

Mgr. Radek Musílek
Telepfone:   604 81 34 20

poslední aktualizace 05.10.2017
