Jedličkův ústav a školy ilustrace Jedličkův ústav a školy – kvalitní bezbariérová škola, která ucelenou rehabilitací připravuje děti a mládež s tělesným postižením k integraci do života. logo Praha
Jedličkův ústav a Mateřská škola a Základní škola a Střední škola, V Pevnosti 4, 128 41 Praha 2,
tel.: 241 083 233, e-mail:, IČO: 70 87 31 60, Tento web s cookies nepracuje.
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ilustraceAktuality z Jedle
ilustraceNaše služby
ilustraceBezbariérové školy JÚŠ
Projekty a pravidelné aktivity
Centrum služeb Vyšehrad
Pronájmy volných prostor
Výběrová řízení a pracovní příležitosti
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110 let Jedličkova ústavu
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The Tap Tap


The Tap Tap is a music group of students with physical disabilities established in 1998 at Jedličkův ústav in Prague.


The group is divided into two main sections – soloists and group members. Group members play accompanying rhythms under the guidance of the conductor Šimon Ornest. Soloists play from their own simplified note parts and a few group members take turns singing.

Performances are presented by charismatic Ladislav Angelovič (school graduate of Jedličkův ústav) who also performs in the group. We mostly use rhythmic instruments (drums, bongos, congos, tambourines, bells, triangles and others). Guest professional musicians play the accompanying instruments (tube, saxophone, flute and piano). 

Our aim is to give the possibility to as many people with physical disabilities to pursue their talent. The fact that THE TAP TAP participates in big festivals and before large audience is a unique opportunity for the group members to raise their self-confidence and belief in their own abilities. Admiration from our audience is for us also the best way to natural integration.

At the moment, our repertoire consist of our own songs and originally remade songs of famous singers (Helena Vondráčková, David Koller, Dan Bárta, Ondřej Hejma, Vladimír Mišík and others) who cooperate with us. During our existence, The Tap Tap has performed in many music clubs in Prague (Rock Café, Roxy, Archa, Aero cinema, Zábradlí), at festivals (Mezi ploty, Barevný pozdim, Rock for People, Vyšehraní, České and also abroad (Germany, Ukraine).

In 2006 The Tap Tap released their CD Hopšidyridy in Archa Theatre, which the group recorded in SONO Records studio together with a Ukrainian group Huculyk.  At the moment THE TAP TAP is a very asked for group at different events from festivals to private and company parties.

Most of the group members attend STUDEO courses ( and continually study music theory and practice.


Educational Center

The Studeo programme is primarily meant for students of Jedličkův ústav (JÚŠ) in Prague. Tap NGO supported by European Structural Funds creates here a place where people with disabilities can be individually supported. All students have their own teacher who visits them regularly and who supports them in the area selected. This system enables our students to pursue a subject they are really interested in, but otherwise would not be accessible to them.

In the horizon of five years, a separate building will be created on the premises of JÚŠ at Vyšehrad where the whole educational center STUDEO will be moved. The whole building will be accessible and open in the future to all who will be interested in the high quality education. At the moment Tap NGO is gathering financial means for the project study of the building.

“In the area of leisure activities there so far does not exist a system that would offer equal opportunities to young people with disabilities.  I believe that the programme STUDEO will be the first step in the right direction.” Šimon Ornest, project manager

The pilot project of the educational center STUDEO is co-financed by European Social Funds, the Government of the Czech Republic and the City of Prague.

poslední aktualizace 26.02.2010
